R.W. Willie A. Smith
Grand Photographer
Our photographs tell us what is important to us
R.W. Lewis Williams Jr.
Deputy Grand Photographer
Photographs are part of our legacy
Photographs matter because they freeze moments of our lives which pass unremarkable and which seem to have little importance to us at the time. The significance, however, may be for others who search for the person we once were or the places we once knew.
R.W. Paul Kearney
Asst. Grand Photographer
Photographs allow us to share and to communicate.
Your photos can make people happy. They can make people sad. Through simply showing your images you can evoke an emotion in someone else. With the internet you can affect so many people at once. Photography can really connect people in that way.
R.W. Lester Harmon
Asst. Grand Photographer
Photography has the power to move us
Each of us will have a different reason to do so but, essentially, we want to create something.
Photographs can grab our attention and speak directly to our emotions.
R.W. David A Johnson
Asst. Grand Photographer
Photography is a well-established medium for preserving family and cultural histories as well.
Photography is a well-established medium for preserving family and cultural histories as well. The people or events that are photographed perhaps will never be the same again, so taking advantage of opportunities to take photos allows for the remembrance of things as they once were.
R.W. Allen Eason
Asst. Grand Photographer
Photography changes the way you see things. It’s actually quite an incredible transformation to experience. Suddenly you notice light, shapes, colours, textures, people, bulidings, trees, flowers…
R.W. Willie S. Godfrey
Asst. Grand Photographer
Now, there is actually a lot more to photography than just pointing the camera at something and pressing the button. That’s where you start. But learning to become a great photographer is a serious challenge. You’ll always be learning something new, have new directions to explore, and new challenges to face.
R.W. Michael K. Johnson
Asst. Grand Photographer
Now, there is actually a lot more to photography than just pointing the camera at something and pressing the button. That’s where you start. But learning to become a great photographer is a serious challenge. You’ll always be learning something new, have new directions to explore, and new challenges to face.